( Tutorial on how to use the launcher with steam below) This launcher can be used with steam! So you hit play, select a GTA IV installation, and that specific installation get's started! Of course you can also use all steam functions like the overlay without a problem!

Without it you can't even play GTA Connected. So with this launcher, you will always have your GTA IV installations in one place! You can also connect to any currently opened GTA Connected server using this launcher! Just go to the Multiplayer tab,ĭouble click on any server, and you will join this specific server! GTA Connected needs to be installed tho. scOfflineOnly: Forces the Social Club UI to load the offline website only.With this launcher you can add different GTA IV directories and instantly run them through this launcher, so you don't always have to navigate to that directory first to start it from there. scNoAutologin: Disable Social Club autologin rglLanguage: Language set by the Rockstar Games Launcher noBlockOnLostFocus: Don't block the window update when it loses focus. episodesFolder: Sets the root folder for Episodic content disableimposters: Turn of the imposter rendering for vehicles adapter: Use the specified screen adapter number (zero-based) FrameQueueLimit: Maxiumum number of frames that can be queued up Usage: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV\GTAIV.exe Hers is a copy-paste of what it shows for the latest version : If you can't see it entirely, right click on the top of the window frame and select "Move" to move it up and down using your arrow keys, since you can't scroll or resize the window. The syntax of certain command-line arguments might slightly differ depending on your version of the game, but you can type "-help" in the commandline.txt file to open a window called "Commandline Arguments" that will display a list of all entries available for your version of the game next time you'll try to launch it (delete the command to be able to play the game again). For those of you who still didn't know, most of the issues related to the PC port of Grand Theft Auto IV can be solved simply by using some command-line entries.Īll you need to do for this is to open the GTA IV main folder (where GTAIV.exe is) and manually create a new text file called "commandline.txt" and write down inside this file the specific commands you need depending on your issue(s).